Interior & Exterior Painting
painting company bellingham wa
Transform your home with a spectacular paint job by your trusted Bellingham painter.
At Puget Construction & Landscape (PCL), our priority is your satisfaction. No matter the job, you can expect the same quality of craft we bring to all of our projects. Our team of professional painters is committed to delivering beautiful results that will last for years. We specialize in high-quality interior and exterior painting for both residential and commercial properties.
Based in Lynden, PCL is a licensed, bonded, and insured painting company serving the greater Whatcom County area, including Bellingham, WA. When you choose us, you are choosing one of the best home painters in the greater Seattle-area. Our decades of experience give you the confidence that your house painting job will be done right and use only the best materials.
As the premier painting company in the region, we want to ensure that all our clients are satisfied with every aspect of our work.
We know how important your budget is when planning for home or business renovations and updates. The first step of any job is to have one of our house painting experts provide you with a firm cost estimate before painting even begins. We work alongside you to ensure that our estimate fits your budget by suggesting ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality.
Our painting experts can also help you choose the right colors and materials for the job. They can give you information on green painting options along with eco-friending paints and materials if you are looking for an eco-friendly paint job.
Residential & Commercial Painting
Interior Painting
If you’re tired of your home’s look and feel or have outdated wallpaper that you don’t want to deal with alone, it’s time to give us a call. A professional interior paint job is one of the quickest and easiest things you can do to update your home’s appearance without significant renovations. It’s time to get rid of that outdated color and refresh the vibe of your home with a professional Bellingham interior paint job.
Exterior Painting
Increase the organization of all of those bathroom products and towels with built-in storage, extra counter space, and custom vanities. At PCL, you can sculpt your choice of countertops with eye-catching patterns and durable materials. Our Bellingham bathroom remodeling experts will use your material of choice for your countertops and cabinets in your bathroom renovation. Countertops, like fixtures, get a lot of wear and tear, especially if kids use the area.
Commercial Painting
Whether you need a paint job for new construction, maintenance, or just a cosmetic update, our fast, professional, and efficient painters are the ones you need to call. From patient rooms to corporate offices, to public venues, our professionals have the skills and expertise to treat your facility’s interior or exterior surfaces. We know that image is everything, and we are here to help you create a positive and lasting impression.
Trust PCL For All of your bellingham interior & exterior painting projects!
Our Bellingham interior painting experts can get the job done without any work on your part. We take care of the tarping and taping to ensure that your furniture and accessories stay safe and clean. Whether your home is covered in wallpaper, boasts vaulted ceilings that create sunny rooms but are hard to paint, or is full of hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, our home painting experts can give you the new look you want in any room of your house.
When we’re on the job, you and your staff don’t have to worry about anything. We take care of it all, from the prep to the painting to the clean-up. Our experts work closely with you to take care of every detail, ensuring a successful job every time. We know that you have a lot on your plate. With PCL on the job, you can rest assured that we are tackling the project with our signature quality work and materials so you can focus on what you do best.