Residential & Commercial Painting

Bellingham bathroom remodel contractor

Your bellingham painter that transforms surfaces with coats of paint.

At Puget Construction & Landscape, we pride ourselves on bringing the same quality workmanship to every job painting project regardless of size. First, one of our house painting experts will provide you with a firm cost estimate so you know what the job costs before painting begins. As the premier painting company in the region, we work with clients to acknowledge budgetary limitations by suggesting ways to cut costs without sacrificing quality.

We are a Bellingham painting contractor based in Lynden. We are a licensed, bonded, and insured painting company serving the greater Whatcom County area including Bellingham, WA.

When you choose us as your residential painter in Seattle, you can have confidence knowing that you have hired one of the best home painters in the area for home improvement. We have decades of experience in making sure each house painting job is done correctly and with only the best materials.

We specialize in high-quality interior and exterior painting for both residential and commercial properties. Our team of professional painters takes pride in their work and is committed to delivering beautiful, lasting results.

Your house painting professional will work with you to ensure you have the information required to make smart choices regarding products and aesthetics. We can also educate you about green painting options and eco-friendly paints and materials if you would like to approach your house painting project responsibly.

Commercial & Residential Painting Professionals in Bellingham We’re Open and Offering Remote Estimates!

Interior Painting

Whether you need fresh paint in your kitchen or bathroom or your whole home we have you covered!

Exterior Painting

We can make the outside of your home fresh and appeal with a new quality paint job.

Commercial Painting

We can help paint the outside or inside of your commercial property.

The value of new paint

If you’re selling your home, a fresh coat of paint can significantly increase its value. Our house painting professionals work with home sellers, real estate agents, and interior designers to find cost-effective ways to make any home sellable. If you’re a builder, you can hire a painter to make your newly built homes ready for the market.

Get Started

Get started on your Bellingham Bathroom Remodel project today!

Creating space and impression you want from your residential and commercial property starts with getting in touch with our team.

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